Holographic projection
The veil is aprojection display form with the projection and spotlight, projection imaging,imaging the imaging medium still cannot do without entity. The veil is made ofthin gauze curtain, curtain the imaging medium as the veil like, it can beextremely slender barbed wire, wire mesh, also is not easy to be seen by thenaked eye gauze. The formed imaging medium can provide a good imaging visualeffect, and can bring the visual impact force.
The dynamicvideo is projected to double the wire through the projector, can emerge out ofthe illusion gorgeous picture. At the same time through multi channelprojection fusion system can complete the stone mosaic technology, large sizedisplay, thereby creating a spectacular sight. Combined with the screen behindthe screen of the LCD screen, to achieve a double visual effect. It can bedescribed as the perfect combination of art and technology, highly ornamental.
The veilis generally not used as a fixing device performing venues, is made of thinmesh with holes in the cotton or synthetic material and translucent curtain. Inaddition to itself is thin, folded after the curtain can be made into variousdecorative features outside, also has certain effect of light. On the stage,Kurosa Maku used white veil, yarn picture screen scene environment, light canbe seen behind the characters and space environment from behind the veil to thescene, so it is easy to show the virtual scene of dream; from the front to thescreen light can render a yarn drawing painting screen image from yarn; back tothe screen curtain light, in front of the painted veil look is gone. Othermonochrome screen also has the above characteristics, only white and lightcolored veil reflecting effect of strong, dark, black veil can better absorbthe scattered light on the stage, more easy performance, virtual space illusiondim.
Light show
光影表演通常人们叫法有好多例如视频互动秀 光影互动秀 三D表演秀等其表演方式都是一样的。
演是利用投影技术把动画视频正面投向白色的幕布上面,舞者根据视频进行配合表演。这样的表演真实感 三D视觉
Lightshow usually people names have many such as interactive video light showinteractive show of 3 D show, the performance is the same. The use of 2D or 3Danimation video and the action of the dancers and the relative coordination ofthe sound effects to the audience. At home most of the commercial activities inthe style of acting, due to limited space or funding is limited, usually use ofLED display screen for displaying good animation video according to customerrequirements, the actor to stand in front of the LED and interactive videoperformances. Such a performance way, relatively speaking, not very perfect,the true light show is projection technique is used to the animation videopositive toward the white curtain above, dancers according to the video ofperformance. This performance of realistic three D vision can show drippingevery minute.
Photoelectric performance
所谓的光电表演 是使用弱电使舞者身上的线条发亮进行的舞蹈表演 来迷惑观众的视觉*常见的是利用各种颜色发光线(冷光线)或者LED灯泡缠到舞者服装上面进行通电的编程,可以让服装上的线根据舞者的动作编排和音乐的变化进行闪烁。例如激光舞 荧光舞都是光电表演一种形式,这样的表演 科技感强
视觉强代表着 时尚 科技 动感 也是一种独特的吸引观众注意力的精彩表演。表演过程中 需要全场关灯
Theso-called photoelectric performance, is the use of electric light to make thedancers who are shining on the line of dance performances, to confuse theaudience's vision. The most common is using a variety of colors luminous line(Leng Guangxian) or LED lighting, tied to the dancers dress above theprogramming, can make clothing line according to the change of the dancer'schoreography and music of the flicker. Such as laser fluorescent dance dance isa form of photoelectric performance. Such a technology performance are strongstrong visual represents the forefront technology dynamic is also a unique toattract the excellent performance of the audience's attention. During theperformance, the audience is required to turn off the light is a dance in thedark.
Avia design show
威亚就是吊钢丝绳的意思,“威亚”就是从wire(钢丝)这个单词音译过来的。*早是从香港方面传入大陆。多用于电视、电影等处的*制作,也可以用于广告表演 大型文艺晚会。
(一) 多变化中的舞蹈艺术造型的空中飞行;
(二) 钢线系表演者的腰部曲体或直体 前、后空翻数周;
(三) 钢线系腰直体旋转数周;
(四) 翻腾动作与舞蹈造型结合动作;
(五) 空中打斗与造型结合动作
(六) 各种空中动作、舞蹈造型与现场布景、烟火、地面动作的默契配合。